
In a Few Sessions

With My Own Insight coaching and tools, you are on your way to coaching yourself.  That’s right, we teach you how to coach yourself and manage your emotions, thoughts and feelings (ETF’s). 

You caring for YOU is the best way

Our coaching products draw from Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence. We provide certified coaching, EQ assessment tools, concepts and skills to foster personal insights that will benefit you at home and work. 

“Working with Kris has been a huge help with managing my employees. She helped me discover the type of leader I wanted to be. She showed me how to view situations from the employee perspective not just from a mangers perspective. I have grown personally and professionally through her coaching techniques.”

Caroline Salinas

Practice Administrator, Comprehensive Primary Care and Associates, LLC

Our Coaching Offers Solutions to Your Problems


  • Do you feel ineffective at managing your emotions? Were you taught to ignore feelings?
  • Do you feel stuck, like the options are limited and the problems never get solved?
  • Do you have self-defeating beliefs and negative self-talk?
  • Do you respond in anger when you experience powerful emotions?


  • Are you experiencing high levels of anxiety and frustration from recurring problems at work?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the competitive environment at the office?
  • Would you like to foster better relationships and higher performance with your teams?


  • Would you like to improve your job performance and make more money?
  • Are you competing for a promotion at work?
  • Would you like to develop more honest communication with your boss?


  • Have you been putting off an important doctor’s appointment due to worry and anxiety?
  • Do you turn to alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, gambling, or sex to cover up your pain?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed and depressed?


  • Do you wish to show more empathy, compassion and care to others?
  • Do you find yourself lonely and wanting more connections in your life?
  • Do you often dread social situations and would rather just stay home?


  • Do you find it hard to trust others?
  • Do you desire to be in relationships where you feel loved, heard and included?
  • Would you like to handle conflict better and not get stuck in the same old disagreements?


  • Would you like to teach your children better coping habits?
  • Would you like to help your kids recognize and manage their emotions?
  • Would you like to let go of the need to be Superman or Superwoman and instead be a model a high level of emotional intelligence?

Adults learn BEST when they have their own insights! 

Experience more lightbulb moments with our coaching. 

It’s your mind, body, spirit connection.

Questions for You

How do you really feel now?  How do you want to feel?  Is now the time to take charge of your life?

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten.” 
Jessie Potter, seventh annual Women to Woman conference. 

Do you fall back into the same habits and routines?  Neuroplasticity is the science of how you can change your brain.  Don’t just survive when you can thrive.  Our systems work.

Antonio Damasio, World Famous Neuroscientist, and expert on emotions writes,

“Feelings…tell the mind…of the good or bad direction of the life processes, at any moment, within its respective body.  By doing so, feelings naturally qualify the life process as conducive or not to well-being and flourishing.” 

“Feelings are our safety gauge and they motivate us very quickly when it is time to make a CHANGE.”

What are your feelings telling you?

Is it time to make a change?

Do you have control of your emotions, or do your emotions control you?

Experience MORE Pleasant Emotions

Unpleasant emotions and feelings can lead to depression.  It is scary.  Depression is an epidemic.  Its effects lead to diseases, obesity, alcoholism and other addictions.  This can all be related to suppressing your emotions to the point that it literally makes you sick.

We teach you how to weigh logic and emotions to make decisions.  Balancing your emotions and reason gives you many more options in your life. You can flourish when you learn these EI skills.


Balance Emotion and Reason


Individual Package 1

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call

Cost $299

Individual Package 2

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
1 one-hour My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $499

My Own Insight Coaching Hour

1 one-hour call

Cost $200

Individual Package 3

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
2 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $679

Individual Package 4

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
3 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $839


Group Package 1

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report for each individual
1 one-hour report debrief call
2 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises
Group Report for the Team
Two-hour debrief and planning session with Team Leaders

Cost: $799 per person

Group Package 2

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report for each individual
1 one-hour report debrief call
2 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises
Group Report for the Team
Two-hour debrief and planning session with Team Leaders
1 four-hour customized workshop for entire team

$999 per person

Group Package 3

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment and 22-page report for each individual
1 one-hour report debrief call
2 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises
Group Report for the Team
Two-hour debrief and planning session with Team Leaders
All Day customized strategic planning workshop for entire team

Cost: $1,599 per person


Leadership Package 1

EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment and 27-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call

Cost $329

Leadership Package 2

EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment and 27-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
1 one-hour My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $529

Leadership Package 3

EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment and 27-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
2 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $699

Leadership Package 4

EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment and 27-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
3 one-hour My Own Insight coaching calls
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $879


EQ-360 Workplace Package

EQ-360 Workplace Multi-Rater Assessment and 41-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
1 one-hour My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost: $399

EQ-360 Leadership Package

EQ-360 Leadership Multi-Rater Assessment and 51-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
1 one-hour My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises



Couples Package

(2) EQ-i 2.0 assessments with 22-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call for Partner 1
1 one-hour report debrief call for Partner 2
1 one-hour combined My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $739


Student Package 1

EQ-i 2.0 Higher Education Assessment and 13-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call

Cost $199

Student Package 2

EQ-i 2.0 Higher Education Assessment and 13-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
1 one-hour My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $379

Student Package 3

EQ-i 2.0 Higher Education Assessment and 13-page report
1 one-hour report debrief call
2 one-hour My Own Insight coaching call
Models, Tools and Exercises

Cost $499